Tuesday, June 14, 2005


An Appetite For Books

I must confess I have been neglecting "Autumn Leaves" because of my obsession with books. It seems I can't get enough of them. I have been devouring everything from Dr. Seuss to Beowulf. There are some books I am only taking a little nibble from, a sample, a taste; just enough to sate my appetite or to remind me of the pleasure I received from the words found within. Other books I have been feasting on the words, the structure, and the stories between the covers. It is strange how reading and eating can be described in the same way. Maybe the expression, "Food for thought," came from this - I must remember to look that up someday. While on the topic of books/food, I am reminded of something I read recently that made me stop and pause for a moment, "reading junk books is the same as having to eat someone else's leftovers." I wish I could remember which book it was in but I believe I read it in a book written by a wonderful children's author Jack Gantos. Gantos believes he is very fortunate "to have the most voracious readers and the most critical readers in the country - children." I agree with Mr. Gantos, children are very critical readers. If they do not like it, they tell you, either in words or their refusal to read the book. By surrounding children with quality books and creating a literary environment, they become the "voracious readers" of which Mr. Gantos speaks. Voracious readers often become voracious writers. By encouraging children to write daily in journals, diaries or blogs, we are providing a safe avenue for creativity. These places become an outlet, a keeper of ideas and sometimes the beginning of a book. In these places spelling doesn't matter, grammar isn't checked, and no one fails. Children enjoy the plain pleasure of words.

Remember what the good doctor said:
The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
Dr. Seuss

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