Friday, July 15, 2005
The Birthday Boy
Today is my sweetie's birthday. He is not too pleased to be entering his fifth decade. I tell him that age is just a number. He's still as cute as these pics by the way.
Awww...isn't he precious? Look at those chubby cheeks and those cute curls.
In training to be a Sears catalogue model.
Happy Birthday. I Love You.
The Last English Major On Earth

Graphic novels are a new reading experience for me and I am enjoying them immensely. As a child I enjoyed comic books but did not move on to the graphic novels (something I am regarding now). I did go through a phase where I read horror comics/magazines such as the slighty risque Vampirella and the oft times scary, Marvel Monster Comics. Check out these great Monster covers and Monster Blog. I have also discovered Harris comics has plans to publish a "specially priced 25-cent issue" of the Vampirella epic "that redefines Vampirella for a new generation while paying tribute to her past."
And now onto something that is relative to our course . .
It seems so cliche that Yorick is an unemployed English Major but it looks like he may have a future with the Grammar Police (see above panel). Maybe he can become Captain Syntax or perhaps, Linguistics Man; saving the world from bad grammar, slang words, and dangling participles. Any suggestions for a trusty side kick or super power?