Thursday, July 14, 2005


Nuclear Entertainment

Found this interesting website, CONELRAD, that is dedicated to "recalling America's postwar mentality" and thought I would share it with you. CONELRAD is an acronym for the Emergency Broadcast System at 640 and 1240 AM on the radio, short for Control of Electromagnetic Radiation. On the Mission Statement page it states:

CONELRAD is the creation of writers who grew up in the shadow of the BOMB and all its attendant pop culture fallout. We wish to share our collected interest, experience and obsession with this strange era and thereby provide as much information as possible to the public.

On the site you can read about a Miami couple who spent their honeymoon in a fallout shelter, see Mia Farrow in the Duck and Cover films along side Bert The Turtle or learn more about the films, music, television, and printed materials of the era. It is interesting to note that even with the threat of nuclear disaster, America comes up with a way to make a buck.

A fascinating find.
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